Monday, January 18, 2010

Hummingbird Holidays

At Thanksgiving while home from college, I asked my mom what she wanted for Christmas.  She quickly replied, "a hummingbird feeder".  I was so pleased with that idea.  Who doesn't love looking at those cute tiny birds rapidly fluttering while partaking of the red nectar of the feeder?  Maybe blind folks or sociopaths.

Soon thereafter I found an appropriate feeder at some nature store in some large mall and enthusiastically gave it to my mom on Christmas.  She loved it! I had visions of my mother enjoying the feeder in her later years and felt such great joy and warm fuzzy feelings.

I returned to my hometown in March for spring break to see my mom and friends.  Mom had set up the hummingbird feeder just outside and near the top of the sliding glass door where we were sitting and chatting. A hummingbird flew to the feeder and was suckling from the tip of the glass tube within moments of my arrival. As I continued talking to my mom, I became aware that the hummingbird was bumping into the glass every few seconds.  That was strange. Finally, I brought this to my mom's attention, "What's up with that hummingbird bumping into the glass?  I've never seen that before."
My mother answered with that little Irish twinkle in her eye, "Honey, don't tell anybody, but I put a little Rose in the feeder."
My mom was getting the hummingbirds drunk on wine. 

And you wonder why I'm so weird?

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