Textnosis: the hypnotic state while texting. Often Identified when the texter is in the "prayer" position--head bowed down with hands together on mobile cellular device while standing or seated.
Other variations for textnosis identification include:
The "prayer meeting" position, where the texter is seated and in the "prayer" position with hands and device out of the sightline of the meeting presenters. View of the texting act is hidden by another person or object, such as a table, so surreptitious texting can proceed without being called out by or disrespectful of the speakers.
"Text walking" is akin to sleep walking as in the texter is completely in an hypnotic state while unconsciously walking. Adept "text walkers" have been known to both dodge through crowds and text without interrupting either the texting or walking activity. Poor text walkers have been known to lose limbs or die.